TBBT:FunWithFlags Walkthrough

Spyx · March 27, 2020

Hi all. I have one more walkthrough for you today. I tried TBBT: FunWithFlags. According to manual our victim machine should be on We decide to ping it to make sure we have direct connection.

And we have connection so lets do some recon. I run nmap…

and 2 ports caught my attention. Port 1337 (waste?) and port 21 (ftp). I tried connect to port 1337 via netcat.

And i got first flag. I did not expect Sheldon one….

Them i decide to look through port 21.

Few notes from Sheldon and them public folders from all actors. On Howard was zip file which i downloaded for later. Penny shared her password with everyone and Bernadette mention something about their pharmacy website. Let have a look.

Howard zip file was password protected. I used frackzip to crack this zip again rockyou.txt file.

We got hit. Them tried to retrieve some file this that picture but it was password protected. Decide to run stegcracker to crack this password too… And Howard’s flag is mine.

After them i run my dirb command

I cat see robots.txt and private directory to look for. Robots.txt was blind spot. I inspected private and land on pharmacy website. Lets try Penny’s login and her password from FTP. It worked.

As you can see there is form. After playing aroung i figure out that form is vulnerable to SQL injection. Lunch my sqlmap dump all users from database.

With Bernadette flag… I shifted my attention to music directory. I enumerate website via wpscan and found old plugin and some users.

After some googling i found metasploit exploit for that module. Let try..

I am in. I also did not end up on wordpress. Start breaking passwords for all 3 users. Got 2 hits and log in THem after looking into some posts i found raj flag too….

THem i shiffted to my meterpreter. I checked Penny’s home folder and there was flag encrypted in base64. Quick decode and I have a flag

Amy’s folder contain diary and secret file. You can quickly run strings commands against this program and you will get all strings… ons of them is our flag.

On Lenards page there was shell script. After inspecting crontab i noticed that this script run every minute with root privileges. Lets make netcat reverse shell …

and start our listener and wait to get root

THank you all for reading…

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