Escalate My Privilege Walkthrough

Spyx · March 28, 2020

HI all. I have another walkthrough fro you. When i lunch this VM they provide me with IP address.

I quickly inspected webpage but nothing interesting was there. I run dirb busted to looking for some clues.

Dirb find robots.txt file on server. After inspecting it there was link to one php. I inspected it and I had shell access. As i rather prefer install terminal i quickly upload php shell to root of webserver and start listener on my machine.

Quickly move to folder to look for users. I found armour user there. He has txt file in his home folder named Credentials.txt. THere was clue to his passcode.

Re-create his password witch echo and md5sum commands. And give it try. And We are in.

After running sudo -l command. And we have lots of options to get root access.

I tried nmap and that worked.

THank you all for reading….

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